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/ TIME: Almanac 1990 / 1990 Time Magazine Compact Almanac, The (1991)(Time).iso / time / mnu / 80.mnu < prev    next >
Text File  |  1991-05-10  |  6KB  |  81 lines

  1. MAN OF THE YEAR:Ronald Reagan:Cover                  ;3\time\graphics\81tmcovr.pcx
  2.  Out Of The Past, Fresh Choices For The Future       ;2\time\caps\80\80capr.1
  3.  Up And Away In A Down Year                          ;2\time\caps\80\80capr.2
  4.  Four Reagans Used To Going Their Own Ways           ;2\time\caps\80\80capr.3
  5.  A First Lady Of Priorities And Properties           ;2\time\caps\80\80capr.4
  6.  Where The Skies Are Not Cloudy...                   ;2\time\caps\80\80capr.5
  7.  An Interview With Ronald Reagan                     ;2\time\caps\80\80capr.6
  8. OTHERS WHO STOOD IN THE SPOTLIGHT                    ;2\time\caps\80\80capr.7
  9. BUSINESS & ECONOMY                                   ;9
  10.  Leaving 1980 On An Upbeat                           ;2\time\caps\80\80capeb.1
  11.  Outlook '81:A Stagnant Europe                       ;2\time\caps\80\80capeb.2
  12. BEST OF 1980                                         ;9
  13.  Music                                               ;2\time\caps\80\80capbst.m
  14.  Cinema                                              ;2\time\caps\80\80capbst.c
  15.  Theater                                             ;2\time\caps\80\80capbst.t
  16. MOST OF 1980                                         ;9
  17.  Show Business & Television                          ;2\time\caps\80\80capshn.1
  18. TOP STORIES                                          ;9
  19.  The Hostage Crisis:                                 ;9
  20.    Canada To The Rescue                              ;2\time\caps\80\80capts.1
  21.    Banisadr's Jolting Defeat                         ;2\time\caps\80\80capts.2
  22.    Raging Debate Over The Desert Raid                ;2\time\caps\80\80capts.3
  23.    Why The Iran Rescue Failed                        ;2\time\caps\80\80capts.4
  24.    A Hostage Is Set Free                             ;2\time\caps\80\80capts.5
  25.  Soviet Invasion Of Afghanistan:                     ;9
  26.    Steel Fist In Kabul                               ;2\time\caps\80\80capsov.1
  27.    Carter Takes Charge                               ;2\time\caps\80\80capsov.2
  28.    The Red Tide Ebbs And Flows                       ;2\time\caps\80\80capsov.3
  29.    Kabul Is Not Saigon                               ;2\time\caps\80\80capsov.4
  30.  Iran-Iraq                                           ;9
  31.    War In The Persian Gulf                           ;2\time\caps\80\80capwar.1
  32.  Winter And Summer Olympics:                         ;9
  33.    Only The Lake Was Placid                          ;2\time\caps\80\80capoly.1
  34.    A Triumph, After All                              ;2\time\caps\80\80capoly.2
  35.    A Warsaw Pact Picnic (US Boycott)                 ;2\time\caps\80\80capoly.3
  36.  Abscam:                                             ;9
  37.    The FBI Stings Congress                           ;2\time\caps\80\80capabs.1
  38.    Essay:The Troubling Ethics Of Abscam              ;2\time\caps\80\80capabs.2
  39.    Abscam:Guilty                                     ;2\time\caps\80\80capabs.3
  40.    Button Time                                       ;2\time\caps\80\80capabs.4
  41.    Two Down                                          ;2\time\caps\80\80capabs.5
  42.    Abscam (Contd.)                                   ;2\time\caps\80\80capabs.6
  43.  Inflation:                                          ;9
  44.    The Economy:"Scary"                               ;2\time\caps\80\80capin.1
  45.    Capitalism:Is It Working...?                      ;2\time\caps\80\80capin.2
  46.  Mount St. Helens:                                   ;9
  47.    "God, I Want To Live"                             ;2\time\caps\80\80capmst.1
  48.    Will She Spit Thunder Eggs?                       ;2\time\caps\80\80capmst.2
  49.  Carter-Reagan Campaign:                             ;9
  50.    The GOP Gets Its Act Together                     ;2\time\caps\80\80capcam.1
  51.    Carter:Running Tough                              ;2\time\caps\80\80capcam.2
  52.    An Interview With Mondale                         ;2\time\caps\80\80capcam.3
  53.    Finally Caught By Catch-22                        ;2\time\caps\80\80capcam.4
  54.    Reagan Coast-to-Coast                             ;2\time\caps\80\80capcam.5
  55.    An Interview With Ronald Reagan                   ;2\time\caps\80\80capcam.6
  56. PEOPLE                                               ;9
  57.  Fidel Castro                                        ;2\time\caps\80\80cappeo.1
  58.  Andrei Sakharov                                     ;2\time\caps\80\80cappeo.2
  59.  Bette Davis                                         ;2\time\caps\80\80cappeo.3
  60. MILESTONES                                           ;9
  61.  Died:Mohammed Reza Pahlavi                          ;2\time\caps\80\80capmil.1
  62.       Peter Sellers                                  ;2\time\caps\80\80capmil.2
  63.       John Lennon                                    ;2\time\caps\80\80capmil.3
  64.       William O. Douglas                             ;2\time\caps\80\80capmil.4
  65.       Jimmy Durante                                  ;2\time\caps\80\80capmil.5
  66.       Alfred Hitchcock                               ;2\time\caps\80\80capmil.6
  67.       Alexei Kosygin                                 ;2\time\caps\80\80capmil.7
  68.       Alice Roosevelt Longworth                      ;2\time\caps\80\80capmil.8
  69.       George Meany                                   ;2\time\caps\80\80capmil.9
  70.       Jesse Owens                                    ;2\time\caps\80\80capmil.a
  71.       Jean Piaget                                    ;2\time\caps\80\80capmil.b
  72.       Jean-Paul Sartre                               ;2\time\caps\80\80capmil.c
  73.       Josip Broz Tito                                ;2\time\caps\80\80capmil.d
  74.       Mae West                                       ;2\time\caps\80\80capmil.e
  75. ENVIRONMENT                                          ;9
  76.  The Poisoning Of America                            ;2\time\caps\80\80capenv.1
  77. ART                                                  ;9
  78.  The Show Of Shows:Picasso Retrospective             ;2\time\caps\80\80capart.1
  79. TELEVISION                                           ;9
  80.  TV's Dallas:Whodunit?                               ;2\time\caps\80\80captv.1